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Graphitis |
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Crocus Sativus |
Amylenum Nitrosum: For nervous, sensitive, plethoric women, during or after menopause
Argentum Metallicum: Climacteric haemorrhage.
Calcarea Arsenica: Complaints of fleshy women when approaching the menopause.
Cactus Grandiflorus: Haemorrhage: from nose, lungs, stomach, rectum, bladder (Crot., Mill., Phos.). Headache, pressing like a heavy weight on vertex ( > by pressure, Meny.); climacteric (Glon., Lach.).
Conium Maculatum: The "Balm of Gilead" for diseases of old maids and women during and after climacteric.
Crocus Sativus: Headache; during climacteric, throbbing, pulsating, < during two or three days of accustomed menstrual flow; nervous or menstrual headache before, during, or after flow (Lach., Lil., Sec.).
Digitalis Purpurea: Sudden flushes of heat, followed by great nervous weakness and irregular intermitting pulse, occurring at the climacteric; < by least motion.
Crotalus Horridus: Menopause: intense flushings and drenching perspirations; faintness and sinking at stomach; prolonged metrorrhagia, dark, fluid, offensive; profound anaemia. Malignant diseases of uterus, great tendency to haemorrhage, blood dark, fluid, offensive.
Glonoine: Flushes of heat; at the climacteric (Amyl., Bell., Lach.); with the catmenia (Fer., Sang.).
Graphites: "What Pulsatilla is at puberty, Graphites is at the climacteric.".
Lachesis: Climacteric ailments: haemorrhoids haemorrhages; hot flushes and hot perspiration; burning vertex headache, especially at or after the menopause (Sang., Sulph.). Rush of blood to head; after alcohol; mental emotions; suppressed or irregular menses; at climaxis; left-sided apoplexy. Piles: with scanty menses; at climaxis; strangulated; with stitches shooting upward (Nit. ac.).
Medorrhinum: Metrorrhagia: at climacteric; profuse for weeks, flow dark clotted, offensive; in gushes, on moving; with malignant disease of uterus. Intense menstrual colic, with drawing up of knees and terrible bearing down labor-like pains; must press feet against support, as in labor.
Murex Purpurea: For the sufferings during climacteric (Lach., Sep., Sulph.).
Plumbum: Yellow skin: dark brown "liver spots" in climacteric years; jaundice, the eyes, skin and urine yellow.
Psorinum: Religious melancholy; very depressed, sad suicidal thoughts; despairs of salvation (Mel.), of recovery. Despondent: fears he will die; that he will fail in business; during climaxis; making his own life and that of those about him intolerable.. Leucorrhoea: large, clotted lumps of an intolerable odor; violent pains in sacrum; debility; during climaxis.
Sabina: Menorrhagia: during climacteric, in women who formerly aborted; with early first menses.
Sanguinaria : Headaches, return at the climacteric; every seventh day (Sabad., Sil., Sulph. - eight day, Iris). Climacteric ailments: flushes of heat and leucorrhoea; burning of palms and soles; compelled to throw off bedclothes; painful enlargement of breasts; when Lachesis and Sulphur fail to relieve.
Sepia : Great falling of the hair, after chronic headaches or at the climacteric Erythism; flushes of heat from least motion; with anxiety and faintness; followed by perspiration over whole body; climacteric (Lach., Sang., Sulph., Tub.); ascends, from pelvic organs. Itching of skin; of various parts; of external genitalia; is > scratching; and is apt to change to burning (Sulph.).
Sulphur: Congestion to single parts; eyes, nose, chest, abdomen, ovaries, arms, legs, or any organ of the body marking the onset of tumors or malignant growths, especially at climacteric.
Sulphuric acid: Adapted to the light-haired; old people, especially women; flushes of heat in climacteric years.
Theridion curassivum: For extreme nervous sensitiveness; of puberty, during pregnancy and climacteric years.
Thlaspi Bursa pastoris: Profuse passive haemorrhage from every outlet of the body; blood dark and clotted. Metrorrhagia: with violent cramps and uterine colic; in chlorosis; after abortion, labor, miscarriage; at climacteric; with cancer uteri (Phos., Ust.).
Trillium: Menses: Menorrhagia: flow, profuse, gushing, bright red; at least movement (Sab.); from displaced uterus; at the climacteric; every two weeks, dark, clotted (Thlas., Ust.). Profuse uterine haemorrhage t climacteric; flow every two weeks; pale, faint, dim sight, palpitation, obstruction and noises in ears (Fer.); painful sinking at pit of stomach.
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